20 Natural Home Working Remedies | TheGoodPoint - The Good Point

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martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

20 Natural Home Working Remedies | TheGoodPoint

20 Natural Home Working Remedies

Your body can loop at any time. As you wake up loudly and awake and make an important presentation, the seafood salad sandwich complains of indigestion, spends at the gym, and returns to a hard head. Is it wonderful to have a living doctor / therapist / trainer to cope well with your daily pain and pain? (Power Nutrient Solution is the first plan to address the root cause of virtually all serious diseases and health conditions.

The following workaround is as follows. A method recommended by all natural experts to treat disease quickly, safely and effectively at home. For these surprisingly effective (and cheap) remedies, clear the space of your bathroom cabinet, fridge and kitchen shelf. The next 20 remedies are like talking to a doctor 24 hours a day.

Nausea Nausea
Please try free ginger chips. First, I will inject fresh ginger into hot water. Strain, freeze the formulation in an ice cube tray.

MORE: Simple healing food 16 points

Smash the cube and smoke the frozen chips throughout the day and provide a gentle and calm dribble to your stomach. The characteristics of eating disorders of ginger are particularly effective during pregnancy or postoperative.

 - Expert: Professor Eric Yarnell (ND) of the Department of Plant Medicine at Bastyr University

Shameful turbulence
Drink one or two glasses of sugar. The dried granules stimulate and reset the stimulated nerve causing the diaphragm spasm. Coarse materials such as salt can work with a pinch, but the taste of sugar is the best. Please find the six things your hiccups are about to tell you.

 - Expert: Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, medical director of Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers, a fantastical author because I am tired!

Relieve sore throat
I gaggle twice a day with a solution of six pressed garlic cloves mixed in warm (not hot) water glass. Please follow the 3 day regimen. According to research, fresh garlic juice has antimicrobial properties to fight bacteria that cause pain. Warm liquid softens inflamed tissue.

 - Expert: Dr. Ronald Hoffman, medical director of Hoffman Center in New York, author of alternative therapy that really works

To suppress cough
Soak in a square or two dark chocolate. Researchers have found that the theobromine compound of chocolate is more effective than codeine which suppresses persistent cough without drowsiness and constipation side effects.

In order to ease the itch that you keep awake at night, add 500 mg of Ester C in front of the bed and have 2 cups of honey (1 to 2 cups for children, please do not give to children under 1 year old) Please take. Vitamin C (non-acid ester type does not move the stomach) improves the immune system in the early stages of your cough. Studies have shown that honey is more effective if it does not receive treatment at all for relieving cough suppressants or sleep-promoting children's nighttime cough.

 - Expert: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD; Jenkens / Pokempner Director of Preventive and Alternative Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center Ann Arbor, Mark Moyad, MD, MPH

To lower the heat
It stimulates the hypothalamus to better control body temperature, dilate blood vessels to promote sweating. After soaking a cup of a tablespoon of dried herbs (available at health food store) in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes, drink alcohol. Please drink 3 to 4 cups a day. If you still feel hot even after drinking tea, please consult a doctor.

In the case of high heat (more than 102 ° F), please take lukewarm water to cool the body according to the water temperature. Take a bath until your temperature drops to 101 ° - 102 ° F. and further drink Linden Flower Tea and lower it further.

 - Expert: Eric Yarnell, ND

To burn
If you void your skin with a hot oven cookie bread, please burn the aloe vera gel as necessary. Sedation and anti-inflammatory gels produce a second skin to protect burns from air that stimulate exposed nerve endings.

 - Winner: ND, Laurie Steelsmith is a private practice at Honolulu and is the author of a natural choice for women's health

Quiet bloating
Take 2 enteric coated peppermint capsules (500 mg each) three times daily. Peppermint kills bacteria that cause flatulence, relaxes the digestive tract muscles, makes smoother, cramp-free digestion. The enteric coating prevents opening of the capsule in the stomach, causes heartburn, and increases discomfort. Peppermint releases the gastrointestinal tract most needed by people suffering from gas and works at lower concentrations. (Look at what your gas is trying to tell you.)

 - Expert: Ronald Hoffman, MD

Stop smelling the foot
In order to eliminate smelly bacteria, please soak in 1 part of vinegar and 2 parts of water at night. Or take a footbath every day with intense tea (first chill). in 30 minutes. Tea tannin kills bacteria, closes the pores of the feet, and dries the feet long. Bacteria tend to breed in a humid environment. Results will be displayed in a few days to a week. One note: Please soak only when the feet are not burned out.

 - Expert: Laurie Still Smith, ND

Cut a cold short
Drink fake Hot Today. Cut the lemon rich in vitamin C in half and squeeze it out from half. Studies have shown that vitamin C ingested before the onset of cold shortens its duration and severity. Please drop the half shell of the lemon into the cup. Add boiling water and organic honey teaspoon and add immune booster covering painful throat tissue. Inhale the healing steam, open the cave, drink cup two to three times daily to fight the bug. (To make a traditional hot teddy, add half a shot of brandy.)

 - Expert: Clinical instructor at Stony Brook Medical University Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, Co-author of Natural Medicine Chest and alternative guide to arthritis medication

Pamper bad breath
There is a small cup of acid lemon juice to kill the smell-causing bacteria. After that, we eat a little sugar-free yogurt containing beneficial lactic acid bacteria. These so-called probiotics compete with the aging bacteria and replace it. The lemon yoghurt combo immediately neutralizes the smell and lasts 12 to 24 hours.

 - Expert: Mark Moyad, MD, MPH

Soften the split lips
Rub the anti-inflammatory agent, antioxidant, moisturizing olive oil 2 to 3 times a day to make it soft and smooth. Your lips will feel better soon, but it will take several days to begin healing on your own. Some studies suggest that excessive virgin olive oil applied to the skin after sunburn helps to prevent skin cancer.

 - Expert: Laurie Still Smith, ND

Relax tight neck
Rigid neck arises from reduced circulation to muscle tissue and lymph flow. Use Contrast Hydro Therapy. Rapidly hot and cold water blows in and sucks blood again. In the shower, first increase the blood flow by flowing warm water over your neck for more than 20 seconds, then let it cool for 10 seconds to shrink the blood flow. Alternately three times, always end in cold. As you exit the shower, your body will return blood to the skin, eventually bringing about expansion of the blood vessel. And more loose neck.

 - Expert: Laurie Still Smith, ND

Snore ends
To tease most of your back, put a tennis ball in the pocket of the shirt cut from the old T - shirt and sew it to the top mid - back of the pajamas.

If you feel uncomfortable, lie down and go to bed without waking up.

 - Expert: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Defeat insomnia
Before bedtime, scientists have discovered that they are packed with the same hormone melatonin made by your body to regulate sleep patterns, eat a handful of cherries (or drink tart cherry juice). Please relax yourself in a warm bath to relax your muscles and mind. In the bed, put your head on a pillow filled with lavender, the scent induces drowsiness. (Bonus: Cherry helps prevent gout attacks.)

 - Expert: Mark · Moire, MD, MPH; Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Pretty, the eyes get tired
Black tea is packed with astringent compounds called tannins. Tannin helps to shrink the bag and tighten it under your eyes. (Tea is of course low risk of type 2 diabetes, but of course it is soaked for a few minutes in hot water to activate the tea bag's tannin.) Cool in a refrigerator, compress the wet bag and sprinkle for 10 minutes in closed eyes.

 - Expert: Ronald Hoffman, MD

White stained glass
Crush some fresh strawberries into scrub pulp and remove the dirt Add baking soda and enough water to make a paste. Apply the mixture to soft brush toothbrush and polish it once every 3 to 4 months for several minutes. (More often it may erode the enamel of the tooth.) Strawberry's astringent malic acid helps stains of teeth coffee and red wine. (There are four foods whitening the teeth naturally here.)

 - Expert: Mark Moyad, MD, MPH

Prevent headaches
Please relax magnesium (200-400 mg) to reduce muscle tension and cramp. However, I can not do any type. Make sure the supplement contains at least 200 mg of active element magnesium. Magnesium is more prophylactic than therapeutic drugs, so treatment of premenstrual headache is effective because it can be taken one day before predicting when it will come. People with problems with the kidneys should consult with health care professionals before taking magnesium. (Here are three more natural relief for your headaches.)

 - Expert: Ronald Hoffman, MD

Avoid hangover
Since excess alcohol depletes the body of essential B vitamins (which helps to break alcohol in the body), please replenish B-50 complexes to ensure that alcohol metabolism continues before going to bed . Also, to drink plenty of water and rehydrate. (You can prevent hangover with these five methods.)

 - Expert: Laurie Still Smith, ND

Relieve menstrual cramps
On the day of your worst convulsion, make 1/2 cockpit tincture 1 teaspoon every 2 hours. According to a test tube study, this North American factory acts as a muscle relaxant and promptly relieves painful convulsions.

 - Expert: Eric Yarnell, ND

Healed dry skin, rash, eczema
I will soak in your breakfast. Oatmeal is a skin aging agent for centuries, but researchers have recently recognized Avantelamide of oats as an important compound that reduces inflammation and itchy skin. Please put complete oats in clean and dry socks. Seal the open end with a rubber band and drop the socks into a warm or hot bath. Please wear it for 15 to 20 minutes. (Our best cold tips on your skin care routine Winterize.)

 - Expert: Laurie Still Smith, ND

Prevent vomiting
Take a cosmetic cosmetic pad with isopropyl alcohol and take a deep breath a few times over the nose (more than 3 times in 10 minutes). According to a recent study, patients in the emergency room who inhaled isopropyl alcohol saturated pads saw a 50% reduction in nausea compared to those who sniff pads that drank physiological saline.

 - Source: chronology of emergency medical care

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