50 Must-Know Fitness Tips to Score Your Best Body | TheGoodPoint - The Good Point

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jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

50 Must-Know Fitness Tips to Score Your Best Body | TheGoodPoint

50 Must Have Fitness Tips To Run Your Best Body

Stick it for 2 weeks
If the motivation is hanging you, then change your exercise routine every 14 days The University of Florida Studies found that people who modify their workouts twice a month are more likely than their possibilities compared to their plans, Whenever he wanted his rules to be changed. Borium did not appear to be a factor; It seems that people have enjoyed diversity.

Bring your rear up
For a strong backside, wherever you go head, Mia Montenegro, a Miami-based exercise physiologist and power and conditioning coach, recommends completing 100 calf swings with a normal load at the end of the leg's workout. If you can not reach a kettlebell, then do deadlifts and hip-thrasers instead. "Women insist on the quadrupeds, even if they think that they are doing the butt, with these two exercises, you will not have any problem in adding gloves and back muscles to the feet," Montenegro says

Never leave the most important food
Once we are not talking about breakfast, we are not eating food for recovery after your workout. Amanda Carlson-Phillips, vice president of nutrition and research for the performance and core performance of athletes, says, "So many women leave post-nutrition because they do not want to forget to seize the calories." "But within 30 minutes of your workout, 10 to 15 grams of protein and 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates in combination with the help of refueling your body, boost muscle recovery, increase your energy, and build lean body. You will. "

Mood to your brain
It's easy to get lost in a killer playlist or friends have to start over again on the TV associated with the elliptical, but unknowable exercise forgets all your hard work - and you can forget about seeing the results of the New York City indoor Master Stork of the Cycling Studio Revolve says, "Go through the motions of practice and actually think of the flesh, the emotion and the key. Ion is a lot of difference to cover. " "Be conscious of your muscles and feelings of making stronger and more powerful with each representative."

Be less specific
Just trying to find a person who meets certain standards, trying to reach an accurate weight, according to a study published in a great-and often unattainable-goal journal of Consumer Research, five There is no limit to losing 10 pounds, so you can have more successful results in four weeks with the aim of losing just 8 pounds. Flexible goals seem more practical, which in turn increases your sense of achievement, encourages you to stay motivated, says the author of the study.

Step it up
Winter can say to slow you down while walking in the winter, but the secret to not slipping is actually to increase speed and to reduce your retention. Terry Chiplin, owner of ActiveO Altitude, a Colorado-based facility for slow athletes, says that every foot is aimed at striking the ground 90 times per minute. This high rhythm helps in ensuring that each foot ground is below your center of weight rather than your bottom, which can leave your balance in the innocent area.

Hang tight
Not being able to pull-up does not mean that you should not take action till the time, as long as possible, your upper body strength may improve, as Montenegro says. Keep in mind your body still keeping as much as possible, and you will naturally recruit your belly, hips, and your arms in the lower part of the back, tell it, or gradually your legs in the circles gradually Move and attach your stomach forward and down.

Not so fast
Before starting a juice clear diet, know that your calorie intake can be severely limited to a drop of pounds: in a 2010 study, women with 1200 calorie diets for three weeks have cortisol levels Increased, our primary stress hormone [Tweet this fact!] Acute stress increases as well as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and impaired immunization. Are associated with

Get out of your bikini
Packing your two pieces away for the winter means that you will not think about how you will see about April. Avoid any potential "How did my butt get bigger?" Terror keeps springing its swimsuit easy and every time it comes to spring, to ensure that you like what you see, says Tanya Baker, co-founder of physics 57 Bair. You can toss it even if you take the exam to overinduend it, he says. "There is no better way to keep yourself from having dinner or a piece of cake."

Your run up pep
Sweet chili peppers can not be winter food, but continue to eat them in your breasts, stir fries and suices, and you can burn more fat in your outdoor cold-season runs. These non-hot vegetables contain chemicals called capsicoid, which are similar to the capsacin found in hot pepper. Combine capsoids with 63 degree or cooler tempes, and according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Inquisition, you increase the amount and activity of brown fat cells - which burn energy - and an additional boost to your metabolism. Give it

Never do the same exercise
"Born fitness founder Adam Bornstein said," Most people do not see the change because they do not work hard because they do not make their exercise difficult. "Their suggestion: Make a challenge every time you exercise." Use a little overweight, relax less than five to ten seconds between the set, add some more reps, or set the second of these small changes in your routine Including is a recipe for change, "he says.

Refresh your breath and your muscles
In a small study published in the journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, men used to drink 0.05 milliliters (basically one drop) in peppermint oil and drank 2 cups of water and then their stamina, including thoughts of mint in your pre-workout breakfast or drink. And ran on the treadmill to test the power. Mint muscles are shown to help improve the overall overall performance, resting muscles, promoting oxygen to the muscles and brain, and increasing the pain threshold.

Go to -1
When you have high intensity interval training (and if you do not, then you should!), Follow a 2: 1 work-to-comfort ratio, such as a one-minute dash and 30 seconds recovery [Hiding this secret!] According to many studies, the most recent out of Bowling Green State University, this formula maximizes your workout results. BGSU researchers also say to believe in your body: In the study participants walk and recovery They have set their own pace for both how they feel and doing so, women have their maximum heart rate and men Iktm worked at a higher level of oxygen consumption. Done

Right for the form
It does not matter how many pushups you can do in a minute. If you are not doing the same correctly, Stokes says, "There is no point in doing any exercise without proper form, which is a reference to progress It is especially important if you exercise your technique, then add weight and / or speed later on, if your workout shows "as many representative representatives as possible" during a set time Not to choose quality over said amount, and you can stay injury-free.

Once a day
Long term goals are mandatory, but they can make you feel troubled or frustrated over time. In a health and wellness resort The Body Holiday in St. Lucia, according to the suggestion of Michael Schneider, bodywear specialist and nutritionist, how much of the costume you want to reduce in four months, instead of thinking about it, rather than small everyday Focus on victory. "For example, today you are having breakfast, are fit to workout, and drink more water," he says. Stay focused on the present, and your future will be successful

Find a Fit Friend
A working companion not only keeps you accountable, it can help you watch more time in the gym and also a thick torch. A British survey of 1,000 women found that those who practice with others train for six minutes and burn additional 41 calories compared to single fitness fanatics. Women with Bikram friends and Crossfight Commerades said that they make themselves difficult and they are more motivated than when they are alone at the gym.

Deep digging
To get rid of a cold morning, take a lot of discipline to close a cupcake or roll out of your warm bed. Tara Gids, R.D., co-host of emotional Mojo, says that it is important to make a real connection with your motivation to stay on track. So think about fits in your thin jeans or spring break bikini and emotional relationships for your loved ones. He says, "When you are physically healthy and take care of yourself, then your relationships will be strong."

learn the ropes
One of the best training tools you are not using: A leap rope, Lasson Laureau, Lason Laureau, Lason Laureau, Las Cruises at LAB, a CrossFit Level-A Trainer says, "As long as you are the owner of every hot chicken Think about it, by the time it can be a little teenager. It's only affordable, portable, and easy to use almost anywhere, you will burn about 200 calories in 20 minutes and tone While encouraging your heart health, they say.

Your hunger meditation
Give your body a little more credit: It tells you that when you are hungry-you can not hear, though. Before throwing down, only one piece of pie is released or because the last guests arrive at the brunch, stop and check with your stomach. "If you do not take your appetite, then make yourself a small plate and sip some tea or coffee while digging everything else" Elle Pennner, M.P.H., R.D. When your belly eventually starts to mess, then the food will be there

Take it outside
A study of the National Institute of Health found that people can burn up to 7 percent more calories in winter. So if you are setting fire to 268 calories during the half-hour indoor run at a distance of 12 minutes, you can get close to 300 calories when you get out on the road.

Ace your servicing size
When exiting from dinner, remove the measuring cup and take a standard size plate. "If your food fits with touching an individual item, then you can be very confident that the size of your part is fair," says the snader.

Remember a mantra
Whatever you say to get yourself through an annoying workout, do not stop. An innovative European study found that motivational self-speech can help a lot in reducing the rate of perceived labor (how loud your muscles are screaming) so that you can move forward for longer.

Multi goal
The popular belief says that if you really want to make a big change, then concentrate on a new healthy habit at one time. But researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine say that working together on your diet and fitness can increase the barriers to reaching both goals in your favor; They followed four groups of people: for the first time in their exercise a few months Before adding exercise, the other did the opposite, the third noticed the two together and did not make any changes for the last time. Those who had doubled used to work 150 minutes a week, consuming more than nine fruits and vegetables daily, while consuming 10 percent or less of their calories from saturated fats.

Sweat a beat of your own
Supering your playback playlist gives you power through a hard work, and now singing, humming, or whistle shows that research can be beneficial only. A German and Belgian study found that making music could affect not only the listening-and exercise-exercise, but people who worked on machines designed to make music based on their own efforts, who used traditional equipment Taking advantage of more energy (and also do not know) than other people to do, make sweat of your own tune less tired of physical activities Can help, researchers say.

Heart Your Trainer
"Find a trainer who inspires you to pull the door or turn on the video-they'll be your best lawyer," says Baker. If you are eager to see your favorite Pilates teacher, you will be more likely to kill the studio regularly. If you like the energy of the trainer in your DVD or online video, then it goes.

Get Text Support
If you thought that texting has changed their love life, imagine what it can do for your waist. When people received persuasive text messages promoting exercise and healthy behaviors in the week (i.e., "washed in the zeolok in fridge and 4 quick snacks with pretut vegetables. 1 add string cheese 4 protein"), they are almost 3 percent of your body weight in 12 weeks Participants of the study of Virginia Commonwealth University eat behavior, exercise and nutrition self efficacy. Also showed improvement, and reported that texts helped in adopting these new habits. Find friends with health-minded people and send a message to each other's reminder, or promote your program to send healthy eating tips to your phone.

Put more weight
You know that the best way to get strength training, trim, tone up, and "I love my body" shape. But not always helping you reach for 10-pound dumplings. "Add two or three mixed iron pile lifts (such as sitting, dadlift or press) in the weekly training program, and run a linear progress, increasing the weight from two to five pounds per lift," Noah Abott says In a crossfit South Brooklyn, make a coach three to five sets of three to five representatives, and you will boost strength, not bulk. Abbott explains, "Low, intensive training will not keep the muscles of the muscles long for their stimulus, which is in line with muscular growth," Abbott explains.

Be here Now he.
Consider yourself before you understand that you are too busy to be an arbiter: Consider Mark Fischer, the founder of Mark Fisher Fitness in NYC, "Adding Mediation to Your Daily Fitness Destination can be an important part of body change. . " To focus on your breath, find out five to 10 minutes of one or two times a day, they suggest. "Taking time to do this can help tone your body and brain, and you can be better at the gym and in the office all your hard work."

Do this from every angle
Most conventional fitness plans are in anticipated patterns, which usually rotate in two playback planes, given the speed of the speed above and below or forward and backward and behind the waves. Stokes says, "Take your body in all directions to make the most fit, functional and athletic rejuvenation." If you are a runner, cyclist or walker, remember to include movements such as jack, side shuffle, side lungs, and cariacica (move like grapes) in your jackup or cool down, suggesting that is

More muscle than mind
If you usually go to the gym after work, then pay attention: mental exhaustion can make you feel physically tired, even when you have a lot of energy, then medicine and science is reported in sports and exercise. When people used to play a brain-drain computer game before exercising, they described the latter work as hard work, even though their muscles showed the same activity, why Because he was doing the same exercise after an easy mental game. So if you think that you can not work on those rowing machines for the past 10 minutes, then remember: you can!

Roll with it
Foam rolling is also known as "mafassial release", an easy way to benefit your whole body, says Rob Sulever, CEO and founder of Bandana Training, "While increasing the length of the fiber of the muscles, rolling tissue Quality has improved, "This leads to stress and pain-free muscles, which do better work so that you can perform better. Make sure to roll five minutes before your exercise, do not know what to do? Try these 10 methods to use foam roller

Become Picnic About Dinner Dates
You know that the healthy eating wagon is easy to fall when a person from the table on your behalf is fully on the Mozzarella rod, but science still has the need to study it. And the evidence presented in the 2013 Agriculture and Applied Economic Association annual meeting gives you back to the bench: In the study, people made the same meal option as their partner, possibly because we want to fit in the bus. Not all eating partners have a bad effect, though. The report further thinks that if you are eating with a health-conscious person, you can order more nutritiously too.

Consider retail therapy
"Every time I buy a new pair of athletic shoes, I'm excited to wear them," says celebrity trainer and New Balance Fitness ambassador Holly Perkins. Follow her leadership and buy new kicks or gym clothes sometimes, if it helps to regenerate your passion for the gym

Visualize 5
Make your perfect self-portrait every day with your flat abs, hardcore butt and thigh thighs. Actually believing in seeing: Celebrity Yoga Coach Wayne Lawrence says: "You are deliberately aware and aware of all that can help you achieve visualized results, when you attract your thoughts to the part of the subconscious We do." "It is finally 'fixed', and you automatically move on according to your own wishes."

Mat mat
Vinyasa and Shakti Yoga can not be the only form that you will get closer to that long, lean, smooth look. Research presented in the 73rd Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association found that regenerative yoga - which focuses more on the activities of relaxing and stress-less than a challenging flow or balance; Just like the bottom of your skin). At the end of a year's study, the yogis who practiced at least one month a month, lost almost pounds, nearly doubled the amount lost by those people, so if you do not feel for more athletic yoga classes If so, reduce your way in practice with the gentle one.

Put Your Money Where Your Muscle Is
Although there is no new idea of ​​making financial incentives to reduce weight, we now learn to stay in the inspired work for a long time. So far, in the longest study on this topic, Mayo Clinic researchers weighed 100 people for one year, the semi-group lost $ 20 per pound and received $ 20 for each pound. People living in monetary groups dropped the average of nine pounds by the end of the year, while non-payment participants dropped about two pounds. If you are ready to lose weight, consider sites like Swaswies, Fatbett, or Stick.

Strong end
When you are in the hometech of your workout, then kick it a notch, Chipilin says, "Every time or at the end of the easy run or bike ride, take the moment for the last minute, when you finish a race," Chippin says. "It adds a minimal amount of physical stress, while generating the mentality of eliminating fast and strong each run."

Reduce with production
By adopting a plant-based diet, the scales can help you in your favor. A five-year study of 71,751 adults published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that vegetarians have to be slim than those who eat meat, although both groups eat calories daily for the same number. Researchers say that this may be because carnivores promote nutrients from more fatty acids and less weight-loss, such as fiber-like, vegetarians, to be green to find that it is for you Do work

Forward forward
During this winter, while swimming for outdoor activity, consider a compression cloth for your base layers. Chipilin says, "These clothes are tender to moisture from the body, which gives you the convenience of sweating and breathing during the summer", which says that they can reduce fatigue and muscle pain, so that you can again Get ready to exit Before throwing the morning cold to the next, consider throwing them in the dryer for one minute before dressing.

Be true to yourself
When trying to adopt new healthy habits, it is important to work on other long-term practices that can break your efforts if ignored. For example, if you are a morning person, it might be best to work in the morning, but Tara Stiles, owner of Straela Yoga in New York City, says that after exercising, you are a night person. "Do not try to be one or the other if it is not natural for you. If you feel like day and whole experience, you would want to be more than that."

Share Health
Even if you are the most independent exercise, give a group fitness class at least once a week - you feel that you can prefer it more than sweating alone. Greg Chertok, director of sports psychology at Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center in New Jersey, says, "happiness and health are shared through social engagement and proximity." "Geography and proximity is how communicative emotions can occur, and it can also translate into an athletic environment." Sign up for Vikram, Crossfit, Spin, or Zumba, and you can find yourself - Thanks to Jim, your classmates

Rest against weight gain
Seven to nine hours sleeping in the night for five days sleeping behind the eyes of your eyes and the cartlag on your thighs. According to a study published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, when women get enough sleep, they do not take extra, unnecessary calories to stay awake. Read: Sufficient beauty rest can help you pass in pick-me-up snacks and close the pound pound.

It's about time
No matter how busy you are, a Spanish study shows that 3 p.m. Researchers kept a group of women on a diet for 20 weeks; Three and afternoon meals before the midday meal and lunch were consumed after lunch. Although both groups' daily calories were consumed during exercise and sleeping, and the level of appetite hormone was the same, which had been lost in late, 25 percent less weight would have been less compared to the first ones. Being European, lunch was the biggest meal of the day for these women, which constituted 40% of their calories for the day, so consider watching the clock and also decreasing the diet at night.

Do not make too many apps
Downloading that new weight loss app can not be as beneficial as you think. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has used the criteria set by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Diabetes Prevention Plan for the Top 30 Weight-loss apps, including 20 behavior-based strategies, including willpower control, problem Resolve, lack of stress, inspiration, and prevention of collapse. 25 of these 21 programs were provided 25 percent or less of the essential stomach-trimming strategy. If you are in technology, use your app to login food and share your progress on social networks, but do not rely on either too heavy to create permanent lifestyle changes.

Prioritize proteins
When you are staring at times or a party and starving, then your choices are not always best, but if it is bruceta, chips and salsa or feathers, then go for chicken (although the paranoid will also be better). St. Louis Roosevelt Hospital Center, a research associate of the New York Observatory Nutrition Research Center, Christopher Okter, Ph.D. It is said that the protein fills you faster than the carbs, which will give you less risk. And since this will keep you satisfied for a long time, then you will not be in the examination, when your friend ordered a brownie trunk or brought out a tray of goreez.

Win the Uphil war
The move to climb the bike is to look forward and hope to "try to make plans for the incoming people," says Georgia Gold, a Luna Pro athlete and 2012 Olympic bronze medalist in women's mountain biking. "Start transferring a gear for smooth, energy-saving transition at one time, ideally your rhythm should be as much as you change with hard and easy gear."

Let life be
It is better to go against the flow to go against it. Sheyan Staley, personal trainer from New York Sports Club, says, "Things come in life which we can not control, which challenges both our physical and mental challenges." "Listen to your body and be aware of the circumstances of every moment, while you move on to your goal."

scale back
Weight yourself too often you can draw attention to every pound. Penner recommended to take action on the scale or put it on a patch once a week, properly fittings (i.e. size is not very small). "Both can be used as an early warning system to stop lifting, and pants can be a better way if those exercises are helping you with tone and slim down."

Start with ground up
Polly De Mill, an exercise physiologist who supervises the New York City Runner's Learning Searches for the first time for a marathon, requires proper footwear for any exercise, and for winter runs, it means that Eva ( Ethylene vinyl acetate). Second place "Polyurethane really drops in winter and becomes cold, which can increase the risk of your injury." Another important feature is a waterproof and windy upper: look for shoes made of gortex, or to keep feet, wrap your nets in the duct tape to dry and warm.

Allow fat
Touching some fat may eliminate some defects, but it can be warned: according to three studies of "low fat", "non-fat" or "fat-free" food, you should eat 50 percent more calories Can be encouraged for. Food and Brand Labs at Cornell University When the weight of fat comes from your weight, while most of these foods contain only 15 percent fewer calories than their regular counterparts. Go for a full fat version and eat less - you'll probably eat naturally because they taste better.

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