Home Remedies for Heartburn | TheGoodPoint - The Good Point

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lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Home Remedies for Heartburn | TheGoodPoint

Home Remedies for Heartburn
Home Remedies for Heartburn
Home relief for heartburn

Heartburn occurs mainly by eating fat, fried foods or acidic foods. It features a burning sensation and pain in the stomach and chest behind the breastbone. This burning sensation is caused by acidic gastric juice entering the esophagus when the valves between them are not properly closed.

Cause of heartburn
  • Consume fat food
  • Acid food intake
  • Eat too much fried food
  • Food to generate gas
Heartburn symptoms

Below are the general signs and symptoms of heartburn.
  • Burning sensation in the stomach
  • Burning sensation in the chest
  • gas
  • nausea
  • Blotting
  • Dyspnea
  • Acidity in throat and mouth
Home relief for heartburn

Heartburn can be treated using a simple and natural home remedy that is as effective as other over-the-counter drugs. These natural remedies have no side effects and can be ingested by anyone.

1. Soaking soda
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate promptly reduces heartburn. It restores the gas and calms the burning sensation in the stomach. It acts as a natural antacid and will act within minutes.
What? How to use it?
Just mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water
Drink it for instant relief
In this solution, a few drops of lemon juice can be mixed

Fresh ginger is an effective remedy for fighting symptoms of heartburn. It absorbs acid in the stomach and calms the nerves leading to heartburn. It regulates acidity of the stomach and rescues instantaneously. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to prevent flatulence and help digestion.

How to use it?
Use ginger on a regular basis
You may also eat the raw part of ginger
For faster relief, you can drink a ginger tea several times a day
Boil a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger in a cup of boiling water
Let's hurry for a few minutes
Drink this tea several times a day to treat heartburn.

3. Apple Cider Vinaega
Apple cider vinegar helps acid reflux leading to heartburn. It closes the sphincter beneath the esophagus and prevents acid from rising. If you are not Apple cider vinegar, you can also use white vinegar.

How to use it?
Please add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the glass of warm water.
Drink it 20 minutes before all meals.
Please do it several days until the problem is resolved.

4. Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera is one of the best natural remedies for heartburn. It serves to relieve inflammation and has anti-inflammatory properties to heal the gastrointestinal tract.

How to use it?
Drink aloe vera juice 20 minutes before each meal
You may cause diarrhea or abdominal pain, so you should not drink any more

5. Fennel
Fennel seed is excellent for treating heartburn. It controls the acids produced in the stomach and regulates them. It is refreshing even when I was breathing on a regular basis. It helps proper digestion when it was after a heavy meal.

How to use it?
Add two teaspoons of fennel seeds to boiling water cup to make fennel tea
Leave for 10 minutes
Distort it to a cup
Drink this tea twice or three times a day to get better results

6. Mint
Mint is effective for treatment of indigestion and heartburn. It helps digestion and has sedative effects on the stomach. Prevent acidity and pain.

How to use it?
Add one spoon of crushed mint leaves to a cup of water
Leave for about 30 minutes
Drink it 2 or 3 times a day
You can also chew the fresh mint leaves to avoid heartburn
If you suffer from acid reflux please do not take mint

7. Cold milk
Chilled milk is one of old age treatments to treat heartburn. It relaxes the valve between the stomach and esophagus. To avoid severity of symptoms, you must be in the early stages of heartburn.

How to use it?
Just drink a cup of chilled milk slowly
You can try other dairy products
Drink chocolate milk twice or three times a day to prevent heartburn

Slipperiness has been used since age to treat various symptoms of heartburn. It thickens the stomach mucus lining, thereby creating an effective barrier to acid.

How to use it?
Add 1 slippery Elm Powder to hot water cup
Drink after eating or at bedtime
Repeat this for several days or weeks to completely suppress the heartburn problem

9. Cabbage juice
Cabbage juice has anti-inflammatory properties to help alleviate various digestive system diseases. It also includes heartburn.

How to use it?
Grind fresh cabbage and 2 carrooms with mixer or juicer
Hungry to prevent heartburn and drink this juice half in the morning
You can also try juice made from vegetables like carrot, cucumber, radish or beet, to reduce the production of gastric acid which is the main cause of heartburn

Almonds are a wonderful way to avoid heartburn. It calms the acid production of the stomach and relieves symptoms of heartburn.

What? How to use it?
Eat 3 to 4 almonds immediately after meals and snacks
You can choose raw, roasted or salted almonds that match your taste buds
They bit them until they are reduced to substances like wheat flour
Use more frequently if necessary

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