Home Remedies for Gas Pain in Babies | TheGoodPoint - The Good Point

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viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018

Home Remedies for Gas Pain in Babies | TheGoodPoint

Home Remedies for Gas Pain in Babies

Gas is very common in children or children due to inappropriate digestion. However, this is the cause of concern when the gas does not release properly, it causes pain and inconvenience to infants and parents. Immature digestive system, which leads to rapid movement of food through the digestive tract, is another common cause behind the gas in infants.
Home Remedies for Gas Pain in Babies
Home Remedies for Gas Pain in Babies
Causes of gas in infants

The following reasons for gas in children
  • Antibiotics
  • lactose intolerance
  • Eating foods that grow stomach
  • Not chewing food completely
  • Swallowing air in large amounts during eating or drinking
  • Not drinking enough water

Symptoms of Gas Pain in Babies

Signs and symptoms of gas pain in infants are as follows
  • Frantic cry
  • Acute behavior
  • Fussiness
  • Attracting legs to the stomach
  • Lack of appetite
  • Resistance to food
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Inappropriate bowel movement
  • Stomach enlargement
  • Burping

Home remedies for relieving gas pain in infants

The problem of gas pain in infants can be relieved by simple home remedies. If the problem persists for a few days, then he should be addressed immediately with the doctor. Medical assistance is required in this case.


Asafetida is an excellent remedy to remove the pain of gas in infants, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-fattal properties which provide relief from AIDS and gas pain in digestion.

How to use
  • Dissolve a pinch of asafetida powder in 1 teaspoon of warm water
  • Apply it in clockwise speed around the baby's navel
  • Restore again as needed
  • You can also add a little asafida powder in the mashed banana banana
  • Give it to the child some times a day
  • Breastfeeding mothers add half a teaspoonful of hot water to the powder and drink twice daily.

2. Massage

Massage is yet another effective way to remove the gas pain of children. It releases gas trapped out of the intestine

How to use?
  • Put some hot olive or mustard oil on your hands
  • Gently massage the child's stomach in a clockwise direction for 2 to 3 minutes
  • Then massage back for 2 minutes to help relieve gas and boost sleep
  • Repeat several times in a day

3. Warm compressor

Hot compression also effectively releases the gas and reduces the pain of the gas in infants, helps to remove the gas from warm temperatures and relax the child.

How to use?
  • Soak a soft towel in hot water and squeeze out more water
  • Put a hot towel on the baby's stomach
  • When the towel gets cool, replace it with a new hot one
  • Repeat process 3 or 4 times
  • Use this solution for a while in a day
  • Avoid using a hot water bottle or heating pad on children

4. Fental

It is highly recommended for fennel that it promotes digestion and prevents gas for children suffering from gas pain, it has cementative and antispasmodic properties which help in spreading trapped gas. It prevents gas from making toddlers

How to use?
  • Boil in 1 cup of onion for 4 mins of water for 10 minutes.
  • Let it cool down and give it to the baby in small doses 2 or 3 times a day
  • Breastfeeding mothers can drink this dish too
  • If the child can chew fennel seeds, give half a teaspoon of roasted fennel seeds a few days a day

5. Chomami

Camomile is an effective remedy for gas pain in toddlers such as stomach disorders. There is a compound that helps reduce bowel gas. This herb also helps relax the muscles and promotes good sleep in infants

How to use?
  • Add half teaspoon of dry chamomile flowers to hot water cups
  • Cover and stand for 10 minutes
  • Stress, add a little raw honey
  • Allow it to cool at room temperature
  • Give this tea to the child 1 to 2 teaspoons several times a day
  • Breastfeeding mothers can drink a cup of chamomile tea 2 or 3 times a day

6. Common Seeds

Cumin is an Ayurvedic remedy that does the pain of gas effectively in children. It stimulates digestion and prevents the formation of the gas.

How to use?
  • Boil 1 cup of water with a spoon of cumin for 5 minutes.
  • Let the water cool down
  • Give 1 teaspoon of this solution to the baby a few times daily

7. Water

Drinking less fluid also leads to gas pain in infants, drinking water is necessary for the smooth functioning of the digestive system. It also helps to remove the gas and prevent constipation.

How to use?
  • Make sure that the child drinks enough water throughout the day
  • If possible, the child drinks hot water because it helps digestion
  • In addition to water, you can also give fresh fruit juice, clean soup and cold milk
  • You can give your child delicious water, but after consulting your doctor only
  • Avoid Fiji drinks like soda that can spoil the condition

8. Fiber-rich food

Fiber is essential for smooth digestion and to prevent gas formation. It helps in fast movement of food through intestines, it also helps prevent constipation.

How to use?
  • The best fiber rich foods for children, bran, whole grains, berries, celery, squash and oranges
  • Avoid giving too much refined and processed foods to your child, who have been removed from natural fibers.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should also include foods containing fiber in their diet
  • All the above home remedies, tips and suggestions are tried and tested and effective in the treatment of gas pain in children.

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