Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gas | TheGoodPoint - The Good Point

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domingo, 1 de abril de 2018

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gas | TheGoodPoint

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gas

Building gas in the stomach is a natural process. This can cause problems and problems for the person suffering from gas. There are several types of natural ways to deal with gas, for which no special treatment or medication is required.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gas
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gas
Causes of Gas

The following are due to the gas in the stomach.
  • Excessive drinking
  • Do not chew the food well
  • Eat spicy food
  • Eating gas-producing food
  • Tension
  • Bacterial infection
  • Digestive disease
Symptoms of Gas

Following are the symptoms of gas
  • Stomach enlargement
  • Bad breath
  • Lack of appetite
  • Coating on tongue
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Dakar
  • Stomach pain

Home remedies for getting rid of gas

Gas can be cured easily by using the following home remedies.


Cinnamon will calm the stomach and also prevent the formation of the gas. The use of cinnamon can prevent the formation of gas regularly.

How to use
  • Add half teaspoon of cinnamon powder to hot milk cups
  • Stir it well and then drink it
  • You can also add some honey
  • Alternatively, you can make cinnamon tea by adding some cinnamon powder to the cup of boiling cup
  • Make it stand for a few minutes and then drink it
2. Apple Cedar Winager

Indigestion cedar vinegar is very effective in the treatment of indigestion and gas. It is alkalizing effects on the body and so stomach soothes it provides immediate relief from gas.

How to use
  • Add two spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot water
  • Allow the water to cool the room temperature, and then drink it 
3. Carrots

Ginger is a great benefit for the body to improve the digestive system. It provides relief from problems due to gas, drinking ginger tea can help in the formation of gas in the stomach.

How to use
  • Take ground equal parts of ginger, fennel and cardamom and mix well
  • Now, take a cup of water and put a spoon of this mixture and a pinch of asafetida in it.
  • Drink it once or twice a day
  • Alternatively, you can get a little ginger juice mixed with a pinch of asafetida
  • To prevent the gas from making, chew a fresh piece of ginger regularly after meals
  • You can also add a small quantity of dried or fresh ginger to your diet
  • Make ginger tea boiling a big spoon of ginger in water for a few minutes
  • By drinking this tea two or three times a day.
  • Another option is to add some drops of essential oil of ginger in any type of base oil and rub on the stomach
4. Gallic

Garlic encourages gastric glands because it is a strict symptom. It has proved to be effective in the treatment of gas since age.

How to use
  • Try some garlic soup to reduce gas and help with proper digestion
  • You can boil some garlic in water for a few minutes.
  • Add small quantities of black pepper and cumin
  • Strain it and calm it at room temperature
  • Drink this two or three times to see results in a few days

Asafetida is also useful in relieving gas because it has anti-smothermic and anti-fat properties.

How to use
  • Just add a pinch of acetateida for a hot water glass
  • Mix it well and drink it twice or thrice
  • You can also add asafetida paste by adding some water
  • Apply paste on the stomach and let it dry for a few minutes
  • You can put asafetida in a small amount of cooked banana and eat it
  • Do twice a day
6. Fental

The bloated seed is best for dry and gas treatment. There is a fusible substance that is helpful in proper digestion and prevents the gas.

How to use
  • Add some fennel seeds to a pot of hot water
  • Boil it for five minutes at low temperatures
  • Stress the solution and then drink it
  • If you can taste then you can chew fresh fennel leaves
  • Alternatively, you can mix fennel, cardamom and mint leaves.
  • Boil them in water to make a concoction which can help in stomach gas
  • You can chew some fennel seeds after heavy food to digest
7. Peppermint

Peppermint has an anti-fascamodic property that gives relief to gas and treats indigestion.

How to use
  • Make tea by adding fresh fresh mint leaves in a cup of boiling water
  • Make it stand for a few minutes
  • Strain it and add some honey
  • Drink tea two or three times
  • You can chew some peppermint leaves for quick relief
  • Alternatively, you can put two drops of peppermint oil in a half cup cold water.
  • Drink it once or twice daily
8. Cardam

Cardamom is usually used in Indian kitchen. It increases the speed of digestion and gives relief from stomach gas

How to use
  • Add some roasted cardamom powder to the vegetables, rice or lentils before cooking to stop the gas.
  • To relieve the stomach gas, you can chew the whole fruit of cardamom twice or thrice a day
  • You can make a tea by bending some of the cardamom pods
  • Add a small piece of fresh ginger and a teaspoon fennel with it
  • Heat this tea, sometimes a day
These home remedies are tested and tested to get rid of gas and they prove effective. It can be safely used without worrying about side effects; All the above materials are easily available in any part of the natural and world.

1 comentario:

  1. Home remedies to get rid of gas, is helpful post for us. Most of the people are suffering from acidity problem. If we follow this remedies and take Herbal Medicines For Gases then we get fast result.


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